Get your company to run like a Swiss watch giving your time and life back! BOOK time to learn more!
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My tribe is Business Owners, Startups, and their teams. That are looking to vastly improve lifestyle and profits.
My specialty is working with startup founders, team members, and board members. To create more collaboration and enhanced trust. Do you want to build a stronger and more valuable company. A company that is inherently more valuable company.
I know you have the power to improve, to shrink your self-limiting beliefs while strengthening your self-command, improving confidence, and mental strength. Resiliency isn’t a trait that you either have or don’t have — it involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that you can learn, practice and master.
Your awesome life lies outside of your current Comfort Zone. You can and will break through the self-doubt of your Comfort Zone and begin your journey to create the life you have visualized. My coaching and training is a blend of life experiences and the best coach trainings certifications, and methodologies.
Learning to ride a bicycle or how to speak a foreign language is a practical skill that requires doing and practice.
But you can not learn how to ride a bike by reading a book you need to actually get up on the bike probably fall over a couple of times but you need to keep doing it until you become an expert at bike riding.
Similarly, to create positive change in your life, you need to actively work on building new beliefs and habits. This will involve setting specific goals, surrounding yourself with supportive people, and taking incremental steps towards the desired outcome.
Be persistent, even when it’s hard. Recognize that change is a gradual process that requires time and effort.
Do you want to build a stronger and more valuable company. A company that is inherently more valuable company. A company that runs like a swiss watch and gives your time and life back. Learn how we can accelerate your growth.
- Dual degree in Finance & Management, with a Minor in Economics
- Former Investment Banker
- Founder and CEO Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
- CEO-Founder of two software companies
- CEO-Founder of SellRight Services, Inc.
- Certified Coach & Facilitator for the $2 billion Kauffman Start Up & Grow Programs
- Certified Value Builder Trusted Advisor ™
- Certified Narrative Coach ™ – Enhanced Practitioner
- Studied at the (CTI) ® Co-Active Training Institute
- MIT Graduate- Behavioral Economics
- Harvard University – Chinese Philosophy
- Certified Score Mentor
- Positive Intelligence Coach – certification in progress